Suraya Md Nasir is a senior lecturer in the Creative Multimedia Program (Animation) at the Faculty of Art, Sustainability, and Creative Industry, University of Education Sultan Idris, Malaysia. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Anthropology from International Islamic University Malaysia and later pursued a Master’s in Art and Design (Historical and Cultural Studies) from University Teknology Mara, focusing on manga domestication in local comics production. She holds a PhD from Kyoto Seika University, where she specialized in Manga studies. Her research encompasses manga and anime adaptation, local identity, and cultural studies, with a recent emphasis on integrating technology into comics and animation production and its applications in education. With a background as a comics and animation producer, Suraya is dedicated to artist production and exploration, fostering innovative practices and supporting emerging talent in the industry. She can be contacted via email at and social media: jonsuraya.