Melvin A. Jabar

Short Profile

Dr. Melvin A. Jabar is a former Director of the Social Development Research Center and currently a full professor of the Department of Sociology and Behavioral Sciences of the DLSU College of Liberal Arts. He obtained his Ph. D. in Asia Pacific Studies at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in Oita, Japan, and his Master of Health Social Science from De La Salle University in the Philippines with High Distinction. His research interests are in human trafficking in persons, intercultural marriages, educational sociology, migration to Japan, health social science, evidence-based policy intervention, and parental involvement. He currently heads a local research team that implements a participatory public awareness campaign against online sexual exploitation against children (OSAEC) funded by the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children. He is also part of a research team that examines the adult survivors’ reintegration of victims of OSAEC funded by World Hope International. Previously, he was the country researcher for human labor trafficking in the Philippines funded by ASEAN ACT through the Overseas Development Assistance in the UK. He also did visiting researcher stints in Mahidol University and just recently in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in Indonesia. Previously, he was a recipient of the Sumitomo Foundation research grant and the Japan Foundation Research Fellowship. He also conducted research projects funded by Justice and Care in the UK, Population Media Center in the US, UNICEF in the Philippines, and Nutrition International, among others. Dr. Jabar conducts research on Filipinos in Japan.