Antonius R. Pujo Purnomo

Short Profile

Antonius R. Pujo Purnomo is an associate professor of Japanese Studies in the Faculty of Humanities Universitas Airlangga. He received his Ph. D. in Japanese intellectual history from Tohoku University Japan in 2017. Since 2019 to 2024 he is serves as the chairperson of the Indonesian Association for Japanese Literary Studies. His research focuses on Japanese literature during wartime and Japanese modern intellectuals. He has published several books and journal articles, such as Antologi Kesusastraan Anak Jepang (Anthology of Japanese Children Literature, 2010), Cerita Rakyat Jepang: Dari Hokkaido Sampai Okinawa (Japanese Folktales: From Hokkaido to Okinawa, 2019), Japanese Studies in Indonesia (New Frontiers in Japanese Studies, Routledge 2020) with Himawan Pratama, Nihon Gunseika no Media Honyaku ni okeru Indoneshia Chishikijin no Yakuwari from the book Ajia Yuugaku 286: Kindai Ajia no Bungaku to Honyaku (“The Role of Indonesian Intellectuals in Media Translations during Japanese Military Occupation” from the book “Literature and Translation in Modern Japan”, Bensei, 2023).